Skyway Monte Bianco

“I was suffering from dizziness: I thought it depended on the fact that I was born on the sea. Then I realised that it was the prelude of love for the high ground.

Up there lives a dizziness that touches you deeply and changes you.

How I love these places.”

– Marco Missiroli

So many inspiring reasons to do a quick sketch of the exhilarating view from the cafe at Skyway Monte Bianco.

Adresses et Coordonnées

Monte Bianco Skyway

Strada Statale 26 dir, n° 48 – Entréves
11013 Courmayeur (AO)
Valle d’Aosta Italy

Phone: +39 016589196

Important disclaimer: All sketches and opinions in this article are our own, and we do not receive commissions from any affiliated links in this post. The above excludes Google ads which help keep the lights on for kayafrenchtoast.

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    • Oui, côté italien. 🙂 tout va bien, mais c’est vrai que les vacances passent trop vite…

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